7 reasons to download the Timworks app

Let us guess - your accountant has invited you to Timworks but you are scared of leaving your comfort zone and downloading ‘another app’. 

We get it... which is why Timworks is super easy to use, simple, straightforward and ultimately - the best way to keep in touch with your accountant, stress-free. 

But if the word of the financial hero who helps you stay on top of your money goals isn’t convincing enough, this article will tap into 7 reasons you should reconsider.

Instant query resolution

Emails are so 2000. 

We know things are changing rapidly, especially for new business owners. You want to have the convenience to reach out to your accountant whenever something comes up, and your query won’t have to stay on your to-do list for days if you could drop a quick message in the chat. 

On Timworks, you can send messages back and forth with your accountant the same way you would on WhatsApp. 

Flexibility is important and Timworks offers you just that, so you don’t waste time and energy figuring things out or feeling guilty for sending another email to that long thread…

You also stop playing the ‘middleman’ role whenever there is a third person involved. Just add them to the conversation instead.


What gets shared between you and your accountant or financial professional should stay between you… and this is not up for negotiation. Chat platforms such as WhatsApp or Slack are great for communicating, but your private data and financial information could be at risk as they are not fully secure and GDPR compliant.

What is more, if the device your accountant is using gets lost or stolen or they leave the firm, your information stays with them. So you want to ensure this is done on a secure platform, for added peace of mind. 

Dedicated streamlined platform

Keep WhatsApp for communicating with your friends and family and Timworks for your work colleagues. Whenever you need your accountant, you will know where to find them - on Timworks. This makes the whole process easier as you don’t need to juggle between all the countless ways in which you could communicate - instead, you reach out to them in one app. 

Needless to say that this allows you to have healthier boundaries, too, so you don’t mix work and pleasure and instead keep things separate.

Information access

“Where can I find my VAT number again?” is a common question to ask - we are not judging. Luckily, Timworks allows you to store all of your company information safely on one app, so that both you and your accountant always have them securely at hand. Add, remove or change things as required but rest assured you can always find them when you need them.

Feeling the support every day

Every business owner wants to feel like someone’s got their back. You want to be able to turn to your accountant when you need support, and this is a big part of a healthy relationship with them, which has a ripple effect on all aspects of your business. 

As Dave Sellick’s client Matt has said “Having a good accountant means you don’t feel lost. We look forward with confidence and know that [we are] moving in the right direction”

Knowing that your accountant is always one Timworks message away and you can resolve things business or even life related in an instant is like feeling the solid ground and support under your feet, all the time. There is a level of  intimacy in live communication that emails just can’t provide.

Stay organised

Wasting hours trying to find an invoice from what seems like forever ago and feeling shame cause you have lost that receipt is now just a very distant memory. 

On Timworks you can send invoices and receipts directly to your accountant in the chat as easily as you would snap a photo of your pet. You can also pin them in case you need to get back to or discuss them later. 

You also have the option for creating multiple channels such as Payroll, VAT returns, General and so on - this way you can keep things organised and separate for everyone’s convenience.

You don’t need to be tech savvy to use it

The last but not least of our points is that it is just *so* easy to use Timworks - no training or set up is needed. Download the app and start chatting and collaborating! It’s designed in a very simple and user-friendly way so feel confident that if you are comfortable chatting on WhatsApp, then Timworks will be a piece of cake.

Done reading? Get the app and turn those push notifications on so you never miss a thing!

Communicating with your accountant has never been easier


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