Timworks: the accounting practice software that offers client support from A-Z

So many burning questions that this needed every letter of the alphabet for fun and well… because Timworks accounting practice software actually have so much to offer!

What is Timworks? In a nutshell: Timworks is a client support app for accountants, offering live chat, native integrations and bridging the gap in the communication between the account and the client in a modern, efficient way to allow speed, efficiency and increased client satisfaction.

Accounting practices are currently relying on other software to communicate with their clients that supports them only to a certain extent but Timworks offers a fully niche-specific experience that not only improves client relationships but offers speed, security and headspace.

Without further ado, here is how Timworks helps accountants step up their game when it comes to software 👇


Let’s start visualising a better future where accountants would never spend time manually entering invoices or receipts again. Oh, wait, this is currently happening with the right software! Timworks allows you to send documents from the chat to this awesome digital capture tool making it very easy for you to gather documents and upload them in no time.

Connect AutoEntry with the email address that you use with one click on the Timworks app.

Ben Marcilhacy and Harris Kontogiannis

A little bit about the founders… Timworks was founded in 2020 by CEO Ben Marcilhacy and CTO Harris Kontogiannis who have previously worked in companies including Google and Mastercard. The app has also been designed and developed entirely within the UK, and is currently available on iOS and Android.

“We created Timworks after experiencing firsthand how painful and difficult collaborating with our accountant was.” - Ben Marcilhacy, CEO


Offering your clients live chat is a great way to be proactive. Timworks offers live chat which can help you achieve that on a dedicated app. Once you add your clients to Timworks, a “Support” channel will be automatically created so they can ask any burning questions and you can have a peace of mind knowing that they are invited to seek support, which can result in better performance in the long-run as you will demonstrate how much your accounting practice really cares from day 1.

This will also allow you to provide regular updates to all your clients without needing to individually message each one of them (and yes - they can’t see or text each other for added convenience and privacy). 

You can also set up different channels for any topic you would like such as payroll, VAT or urgent queries.

DataMolino and Dext

Timworks allows you to send documents from the chat to your favourite digital capture tools making it very easy for you to gather documents and upload them in no time.

In order to get this feature set up, you will need to connect the email address that you use to send your documents to your data capture tool with a click of a button in the app.

Send documents directly from the chat to your digital capture tool in seconds.

Datamolino automates the data entry, coding and categorisation of purchase bills and receipts, meaning accountants and bookkeepers spend less time on repetitive tasks and more time on their business.


No more time wasted on email follow-ups, manual invoice uploads, going back and forth and wondering on which note you wrote down those client company details… 

The more you free up your time from manual, mundane tasks - the more you will allow yourself to focus better, feel more productive and spend time doing things that move the needle forward in your business. 

Timworks doesn’t fail to deliver when it comes to efficiency as it is built on it. Our time is precious and we believe things can be easier, so once you get the app we take care of the rest. 

Imagine a world where you no longer have to screen shot, save things then go and find them but instead you send invoices or receipts directly to your data capture tools without even leaving the chat (*big sigh out*). 

Efficient communication and regular updates have a ripple effect on so many other areas of your business, allowing better relationships with your clients, feedback that helps you improve your services and you just have that peace of mind that you are up-to-date and there are no surprises.

Future plans

Timworks’ app developers are currently working on a new “broadcast” feature that will let the accountant send group alerts, such as end of tax year instructions, or create bulk messages for particular clients. 

In addition, intime, the available integrations will also extend to other software such as QuickBooks Online and Sage.

Become part of our early adopters group and get yourself involved in the shaping of these (contact us hello@timworks.com)

GDPR and Compliance

Are you communicating with your clients on chat platforms like WhatsApp? It may seem fast and convenient, but you might want to close that door right now. GDPR and Data Protection laws have requirements that personal information storage is to a minimum.

Yet, there are many regulations that require the retainment of accounting and other records for six or more years.

These laws, together, mean that firms need to take record retention seriously or they risk falling afoul of the law. Best practice requires using a centralised platform for communications and record keeping while also maintaining an airtight audit trail.

Timworks has been built with these laws in mind, meaning that firms centralising their communications on the platform will have a comprehensive, centralised and tamperproof system for keeping client records. Grab our free GDPR-made-easy White paper and check if you comply


Keep using your favourite data capture tool and sending your regular bills to Xero with the ability to connect to Hubdoc, too. Talk about speed and convenience…


When we say that Timworks was “built for accountants” we really mean it. That is why it integrates with your tech stack. The Xero integration allows you to pull bills into conversations for quick and easy discussion or approval. But that’s not all, folks.

Timworks also integrates with data capture tools Dext, Hubdoc, AutoEntry and Datamolio. These integrations allow you to pull information from Xero push data directly from chat streams to your integrated data capture tool of choice.


Emails are good for what they are - sending electronic mail. But if you want to support your clients, you need to go beyond mail and adopt a forward-thinking approach. Most accountants that we spoke to share a similar pain - their clients are ghosting their emails. 

This turns into a bottleneck, meaning you waste more time that you could have used for something else (we know that long list of yours, don’t worry). 

Which is why tech is getting smarter and smarter! Unlike email, you can have live collaboration with your clients on Timworks, save time with the native integrations, and make use of tools that are specifically designed to make the type of  work  accountants do easier and faster.

If you are the loyal type - then keep using your emails, but take advantage of what Timworks has to offer and notice how your life changes with faster communication.

Know your clients’ goals

We recently had the pleasure to interview an accountant that is making waves in the industry with his creative approach - Dave Sellick and his client Matt, and one of our main takeaways was that you should know more than simply your client’s figures. 

Get to know their goals, their mission, what drives them, whether or not they are happy or have something going on that could make them change course. 

Your clients would not only trust you and be loyal to you (proven to improve your customer retention and therefore increase revenue), but they would keep you in the loop on all things present to them. 

Understanding your clients’ goals will help you to make better-informed decisions, too. You would know how to support them in the most effective and efficient way which will benefit both you and your clients.

Live Chat

Use it when you need it  to get fast answers - but take time off when you don’t. 

When you rely on other forms of digital communication you are doing both yourself and your clients a disservice. Emails are not responsive and smart enough to allow ease and speed, whereas WhatsApp and Slack are great for live chat but GDPR and general compliance is a major issue with these platforms.

Meeting your clients where they are on their journey and having the opportunity to use one streamlined platform makes client communication organised, simple and quick.

Multiple people in the conversation

Timworks gives you the ability to organise your conversations by either business or individual, depending on your needs, allowing more flexibility and assisting the interactions between your clients and your firm. Both you and your clients have full control over adding certain members to prevent any bottlenecks - especially helpful when you need extra information from a third-party!

Next Steps

If you have already gotten to this point and feel confident you need a better client management and support tool you can book a demo with a real human today and get down to the nitty gritty of Timworks’s superpowers that can transform your accounting practice. 

If you are more of an introvert and prever less human contact or just short on time, watch our demo video right now.

Open to Feedback

Can you objectively see something we don’t? Feel free to share what you think is missing, what could be improved or what you know would change the game for you and your clients. If you want to feel like you are part of this new future of client support and help build it your way you can also join our Early Adopters Program (send us a message on hello@tiwmorks.com and we will arrange a quick meeting with a member of our team)


Timworks controls permissions in two ways so you can rest assured that nobody will change things around without your approval or have access to information that they shouldn’t. 

It has three different permission settings which determines what a user is allowed to do on the platform. In addition, you can choose who you add to each individual conversation, meaning that information will only be given out to those that need to see it.

Quick query resolution

Solve queries in seconds rather than days of sending emails back and forth. This is proven to increase clients’ loyalty and how they respond, too.


We brag a lot about the importance of having a good relationship with your clients. There is a reason for it - client support is what turns out to be the new priority. When you provide better support, you are not only ensuring those clients are happy, but you are constantly up-to-date on everything important. 

Good client support starts with being there for your client and supporting them every step of the way and it’s not easier than ever to achieve that.


We live in a fast-paced world and to stay on top of our game we need to be quick in solving queries, but that’s not the bottom line. Quicker response times from your clients mean you can move on faster to the next thing on your list and leaves both you and them satisfied by the fast process. Oh, and let’s not forget that you can store company numbers and important data on the app, so you save time going through chat history and emails.


T is for Timworks, Time, Teamwork - you name it. 

Some call it the client support app. Others call it WhatsApp for accountants. No matter what you choose to call it, Timworks is here to support you and your clients and help you free up both time and headspace.


Timworks is entirely made with love in the UK 🇬🇧


Rest assured that your clients that don’t really speak technical languages will find their way in the Timworks app, as it is designed in a simple and visual format. Timworks is incredibly easy to set-up, get started and use. If you and your clients can use WhatsApp, you can definitely use Timworks.

Whitelabel Experience

They say the devil is in the details… Personalisation makes you look more professional, and helps build loyalty with your clients. Once you jump on Timworks you’ll get your own personalised landing page with your firm’s logo and your clients will can also see your name all across the app.


Bring Xero to your clients… not your clients into Xero

Timworks was named one of Xero’s apps of the month so the love is mutual. By integrating with Xero, you can protect your meticulously organised account yet still quickly access and share the information you need with your client.


The whole purpose of Timworks is to make it easier for YOU as an accountant or finance professional. Timworks is the only client support app that has been designed, developed and tested for the needs of accountants, accountancy firms, finance managers and their clients.


Z is for Zenful Accountants. Let’s acknowledge the fact that we live in a busy, digital world where so many different things are constantly seeking our attention. Having to jump on multiple different platforms and as well as stay on top of your email threads (not to mention search for attachments!) is not always as productive as you may think. 

Streamlining your accounting processes to support and chat with your clients on the other hand unlocks the possibility of having more free time, peace of mind and clarity, so you focus your energy on what moves the needle forward. 

😱 Did we just go through the whole English alphabet? Guess we did.

Ready to join the school of Zenful Accountants?


Timworks VS Microsoft Teams - which is the best client support app for accountants?


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